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Ask an Expert

How should I prepare for my initial Consultation?

Holistic medicine is a broad range of practices based on generations of tradition. After following the recommendations for a brief period, you’ll start to see changes to your body, mind and energy levels. 

I ask my clients to be mindful of themselves. Try to focus and observe your own personality. Think about your likes, dislikes, and your aspirations. What defines you? 

Notice your dietary inputs and outputs. Does that bring about a change in your physical or mental body?

Make a note of these things so that we can be well prepared for the detailed session.

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Cosmetic Oils

Rejuvenate with Pure Cure Bliss

Sadhana or Discipline

A consistent daily practice of waking up early in the morning, deep breathing, sun-salutation, and light meditation brings in the positive change that one is expecting to happen. It is that change that happens overnight.

Pure Cure Bliss

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